"We want decent homes
So dreams we say out loud like speakerphones just to keep em on"
Lonnie rashid lynn(Common) "Real People"

To some degree we all bear witness to gentrification; right here in america's backyard. With america being an imperialist world power, this is not only the breadbasket of pop-culture, but the perfect picture of class system. Masses scramble up the economic ladder at any cost, from the upper, middle class to the poor; exceptionally at the hands of systems like gentrification. By overall observation, those of lower economic social class suffer the hardest in the process of gentrification; just by this acknowledgement, this serves as one inspiration for any person from any class to take advantage in a land of economic opportunity, systematically or by means of personal legitimate entrepenuarship: even in a designed capitalist society. Below are two examples of national gentrification, one in atlanta georgia, and east harlem nyc:
-We close with a preview of Michael Sterling Eaton’s upcoming LP, Mictape Vol. 1 featuring the single "White drapes", which voices mos' current view of the industry of the modern day.
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