"I had to learn the hard way some really important life lessons. There was really no one there to say, don't do this or don't do that.”-
Lauryn Hill

"On December 22, 2008, Forté walked out of Fort Dix Correctional Institution to resume his life and tell his story through music, film and prose. In addition to working on his album, Forté is a contributor to The Daily Beast and is working with at-risk youth through organizations such as “In Arms’ Reach,” a community-based arts, counseling and mentoring program for the children of incarcerated parents. " -

The above example is just one arm of thursday's feature; the plight of the next generation. The afrikan proverb "it takes a village to raise a child" is not only meditated on, but practiced through programs, the changes and reformation of school systems, and simple mentoring; even right here in our own backyard, america. In regards to the ills this generation is exposed to, and the hard numbers of statistics,many see the importance of giving the next generation a sense of direction; an alternative, to make a conscious decision as to what choices to make in this lifetime. Opposed to the negative footage we witness both in realtime and media to the tribulations of america's youth, positive outreach is still relevant. As illustrated in the composition between independent artists blitz the ambassador and industry veteran john forte:

In closing we feature independent artist, my family "Da gif" with a socially conscious take on the life and times of america's youth, along with a documentry on one institution that has been the catalyst for change, and one of the faces of reformation: youthbuild.

July 17, 1962 – April 19, 2010
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